Krista White
- Digital Humanities Librarian
- John Cotton Dana Library, Rutgers University, Newark
- Twitter: @kristaewhite
My position as Digital Humanities Librarian at the John Cotton Dana Library at Rutgers, Newark is brand new, though I am no stranger to using technology in the humanities. I have masters degrees in Art History, the Anthropology of Religion, and Library and Information Science. I worked for five years at Drew University in various capacities; As the Art History Visual Resources Curator I digitized images and mapped their metadata for faculty. As the GIS Support Specialist I taught faculty and staff to use ArcMap, Google Earth, and SIMILE Exhibit technologies in their projects. As the Training Coordinator in Instructional Technology Services I ran the Student Technology Education Lab, helping students learn to use enterprise level software programs and teaching technology workshops.
I have a deep passion for the arts and culture, and Haitian art, culture and religion in particular. I also put together a mean quilt.